A custom eCommerce store built using Laravel (PHP). idiogo sells a vivid variety of products, including Beauty, Health and Hair, Home Improvement Tools, Outdoor fun & Sports, Toys, Jewelleries, Watches, etc. As a website development team, we are responsible for product synchronization between numerous data sources using a custom sync tool and API integrations.
- The products are managed using WooCommerce/WordPress
- The product details are collected from 3rd party sources like Sellvia, Alidropship, and Appscenic
- Customers place an order on the Laravel site
- The order placed on the Laravel site was required to be synced to the WooCommerce site that interacts with a WooCommerce dropshipping store. The web development service included product syncing from multiple 3rd party stores example: Sellvia, Alidropship (AliExpress products), and Appscenic.